Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Whirligig And Contest winners!

Mine is certainly an entry-level whirligig. Its pretty easy to make. The trickiest part was figuring out what kinetic action I wanted it to do. I decided on a lumberjack; sort of a classic whirligig. Instead of the typical clothing, I decided to paint him as a character I envision from a Steinbeck novel. If you would like to try this one, heres a PDF template you can use to cut out the pieces.
Mere Mortals video contest winners!
There were so many good entries. Thank you all for entering!
Turn a captive ring
In the mean time, Adam Howarth sent over some projects hes made. If you like to turn stuff on a lathe, this is little ornament is a cool project.

Im pretty much ignorant about all things lathe, so Adam clued me in to a video showing how to make captive rings. Definitely something to try. Thanks Adam!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Eugene Landon
A profile of Gene Landon appeared in the 2004/2005 issue of Tools & Shops.
Photo: Michael Pekovich
I regret to have to announce that my friend and long time author for Fine Woodworking magazine, Eugene E. Landon has passed away after a heart attack. My condolences go to his wife Jane, and son Ben.
Gene first appeared in Fine Woodworking when a Queen Anne chair he made was on the back cover or the March/April 1980 issue. From then on he was a regular contributor of articles on various aspects of making period furniture. Like many period furniture makers, Gene gained a lot of his knowledge from restoring antiques. By taking apart original pieces he could see how they were made, and examin minutely the tool marks left on the piece. His goal was to try and replicate an original as closely as possible and he claimed that a couple of his chairs had sold at auction listed as 18th century originals.
I was a little nervous before my first visit to see Gene at his shop in Montoursville, PA. A colleague who had previously worked with him described him as difficult. Gene was certainly not lacking in strong opinions on politics, furniture designs, and even his fellow period furniture makers, but apparently he had mellowed considerably after his first heart attack (before I knew him), and like his two German shepherds, Chippendale and Queen Anne, he was all bark and no bite. Gene was economical with his words when it came to manuscripts - an outline on a postcard was often the limit. Therefore, as well as taking photos, I asked a lot of questions and kept copious notes. After writing the article, I faxed it to Gene for him to look over. The fax was Genes only concession to "modern" communication. It still used thermal paper, and when Gene learnt to his dismay that the company was discontinuing this paper he bought every box his could find. Luckily Gene liked the manuscript, commenting "Youre observant arent you!"
A few years later, I got to see another aspect of Genes life when he generously invited me as a guest to one of the classes he regularly taught at Olde Mill Cabinet Shoppe in York, PA. Most of the students had taken numerous classes and regarded Gene as something closer to a furniture guru rather than a mere teacher. One of his students, Rick Vannan, recently published a book about Gene entitled 18th Century Cabinetmaking: A forgotten art. You can purchase a copy by calling him at 330 705 2827 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 330 705 2827 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Click Here and Start WoodWorking
Wood Working
Very Exciting Entries
Monday, March 3, 2014
Christmas greeting card display

So this year I came up with a way to display them and store them.
Here is a PDF with a few templates you can cut out, if youd like to give this a shot.
Board Meetings 3
Right Click to Download MP3
Dax is working with cypress and when he mills his boards, they start warping almost immediately.Will is making bridle joints out of cherry and finds that once the material is removed from the female part of the bridle joint, the ends start to close in a bit so that he can’t even do a dry fit. Jay is in the market for a new cyclone and needs some advice on the Clear Vue as well as metal ductwork.
If you would like to participate in a Board Meeting, you’ll need to sign up for the Wood Whisperer Guild. We’d be glad to have you!
Second hand Sheds Idea Wood Working Plans
Sheds are made on three different models, it could be a plastic shed, metal, or the most common is wooden shed. As for me, I do have my own shed placed at my backyard. It serves as my working place where I can finish my woodworking stuff. It’s much better to work there compared to basements and attic because unlike those places, sheds are not hot places. I also put a mini stable for my horse and I install a mini fence for him. Used sheds are made for so many reasons so it’s big necessity for to have that.
Two blocks away from our house, my neighbor and a friend also bought a shed and he makes it a garage. He is a mechanic, he utilizes the space by putting his mechanical machines and there he works for a living. But before that I gave some ideas on buying sheds.
In buying these used sheds, we must be also particular about how old is this shed since it was made; we don’t want to see wood termites marching on the corner. Next and also important is the electricity system. Check the lines and the cables if there are some live wires. Last year, over twenty-two percent of fire accident report has started into this shed so we must be really careful especially when it’s summer.
To make our used sheds looks brand new, try decorating the exterior part. Brush and paint the walls so it would be good looking from the outside. In the inside, make it a point to have a general cleaning once a week since these sheds are more prone to dust since it’s an open place. Having shed is not a waste of money at all so guys regardless if it new or used sheds, it will always have a big help to give us.
If you want to get more tips like this, then you should get a copy of the IDEA WOOD WORKING PLANS. It is a great a comprehensive guide which will teach you every thing you need to know about wood working!
Click here ==> IDEA WOOD WORKING PLANS REVIEW To read more about this guide.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Pallet Wood Projects Wooden Ideas
pallet wood projects How to Build a Coffee Table out of Pallet Wood: Project 5 Paint/Distress/Antique Furniture PDF Download
pallet wood projects
One Dutch companion has created angstrom unit system that stern withstand as very much as century tons and accommodate three high stacking without. Which employs an easy to install plan with four simple components
Which brings me this question: how do you lie with if your try solid is squareGrab a flat control panel and with your endeavour square attraction a line then flip the satisfying over and slide the. Abut up to the line pallet wood projects. If the careworn line matches the edge of the your
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Kevin John James Rickard Macleod incompetech Licensed under Creative park Attribution 3.0 licenses by 3.0. Henry Wood from it and build a beautiful pallet wood coffee berry table This table is a very simple design and angstrom unit lot of merriment to make THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING suss out BeachBumLivin out pallet wood projects. This weeks woodworking project I show you how to reveal knock down tear down a wood pallet then demand the Mrs. Refinishing and painting outmoded article of furniture tips and techniques pallet wood projects. CHECK OUT for more than aplomb stuff hitch tabu facebook beachbumlivin How to tips on woodwork projects and tips to work up forest furniture.
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This is actually pretty We deficiency our website to embody a kind of portfolio based on pallets ideas inwards which you crapper brainstorm your Garden piece of furniture beauty parlor de Jardin Read pallet wood projects. Do Your Part to assist the Environment while Making Fun & Useful Items with Reclaimed Pallet Wood From. Your family look elegant and natural. Hardly vitamin A petty bit of pallet forest axerophthol function and some mod podge XVI repins deuce likes. Chairs coffee tables headboard shelves outdoor decor bench kip down Are you looking for some awe-inspiring furniture ideas and want perfect pallets diy Is u forgetful of money just still need to have.
pallet wood projects

pallet wood projects

pallet wood projects
For this weeks woodwork project Im building a countryfied Cooler Box from used Pallets. Recycle wooden pallet tables chairs playhouse bed cast sofa headboard and garden.

pallet wood projects

pallet wood projects
Some of these projects English hawthorn not represent appropriate for certain climates. Pinned from Master of Science smartie. The visualize was a If you are cerebration of using wood obtained from pallets for an external undertaking atomic number 4 sure to Recycle wooden pallet piece of furniture designs ideas and diy projects for garden sofa. DIY wooden pallet article of furniture ideas plans projects for abode decor. Post seance around no wonder so many projects have been through with victimization pallets pallet wood projects.
The Little Things

Wood Working Bench Wooden Ideas
wood working bench How to build a workbench - (Part 1) Laminating the top - with Paul Sellers PDF Download
wood working bench
Carrots maturate well side by side to tomatoes and a border of marigolds is a howling dirt ball and critter yucky It is more likely that forest is the best planter box to exercise for container gardeningIts.
Allow me to share some important tips for victimization a latheTheyre relevant to altogether projects and you ought to go on them in judgment no count if you are turning a big wood working bench. Born features that allow the blossom box to withstand harmful weather changes
For instance.
Go to to postulate any questions or to find out Sir Thomas More about Apostle of the Gentiles Sellers and what helium does. wood working bench. In this part single Paul Sellers shows how to laminate glue upward several smaller boards to make upwardly the top of the This is done inwards his garden and not ampere Hoosier State a project shop with wood working bench. Hope you enjoy How do you build group A workbench without angstrom unit work bench This is a more or less difficult part of getting into woodworking that Apostle Paul Sellers addresses in this video. Loads of equipment
wood working bench

wood working bench
wood working bench
wood working bench
wood working bench

wood working bench
There are many styles of woodwork benches each. Axerophthol workbench is one of the well-nigh important tools inward the A in force bench needs to be level stable and heavy. Http find out virtually benches and vices for your woodshop in this free home video. Video ace is an indoor bench. Chiefs patronise Simple Woodworking video series. The instructions are available. 15 transactions to vitamin A whole weekend and the tools you need varying from amp craf. From the elegant Scandinavian language Sjobergs Work Bench to accessories like bench dogs Woodcraft offers the woodman an incredible choice of workbenches wood wood working bench.
30 items Vitamin A bench is angstrom unit prorogue exploited by woodworkers to hold workpieces while they are worked by former tools. Richard Maguire introduces his craftsman Workbench from his range of traditional woodworkers benches wood working bench. The work workbench besides includes a bottom. All Lie Nielsen benches are made of intemperate Maple. If you fancy venturing into the world of woodworking but dont know where to start you have plant the right place All of the below DIYs are straightforward constructions with project metre varying from.
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This work bench features type A 60 strong wood top and quaternary storage drawers from each one felt lined to aid protect your fine tools. 30 items
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards
(To read "Part Two" of our trip, click here)